Travel Health


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Travelling offers exciting opportunities, but it also comes with health risks that vary by destination. Travel health focuses on preparing travellers to avoid illness and manage any health issues during their journeys. This includes vaccinations, medications, and advice on staying safe and healthy abroad.

Understanding travel health is essential for anyone planning to travel. It involves knowing the specific health risks of different regions and taking proactive steps to protect yourself.

Do I Need Vaccinations to Go On Holiday?

Travel vaccinations are crucial because they protect you from potentially serious diseases that are more common in other parts of the world. These diseases can pose significant health risks, especially if you are traveling to tropical or rural areas where healthcare facilities may be limited.

When planning your trip abroad, it’s essential to consider your health and safety, including whether you need vaccinations. Different destinations have varying health risks, and some may require vaccinations to ensure you stay healthy and avoid potential diseases.


Popular Travel Destinations and Vaccination Needs

Thailand: Known for its tropical climate and diverse geography, vaccinations for diseases like hepatitis A, typhoid, and rabies may be recommended.

India: With its rich history and diverse landscapes, travellers should consider vaccinations for hepatitis A, typhoid, and, in some cases, cholera and malaria prevention.

Mexico: While fewer vaccinations may be required, it’s advisable to check for hepatitis A and typhoid vaccinations.

South Africa: Known for its safaris and beautiful coastlines, travellers may need vaccinations for hepatitis A and typhoid, and should consider malaria prophylaxis depending on the region.

Bali: Popular for its beaches and cultural sites, vaccinations for hepatitis A and typhoid are often recommended.


Find out more information on your travel destination here 


A £30 booking fee is required to secure your place. This initial booking is for a phone consultation to determine which vaccinations you need. A separate appointment will be scheduled for your actual vaccination. The booking fee will be refunded when you attend your in-person appointment.

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