Frequently Asked Questions

At Pharmacy Advance, we understand you might have questions about ordering medications online. We’ve compiled answers to some of our most frequently asked questions to make your experience as smooth as possible. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly customer service team!


In the event of a medical emergency, please call 999 immediately. This is for life-threatening situations or serious injuries. For non-emergencies or situations requiring urgent medical advice, you can call NHS 111. This service is available 24/7 and can help you get the healthcare you need.


About Pharmacy Advance


We operate under the strict guidelines set forth by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPHC) in the UK. This means we undergo regular inspections to ensure we meet the highest standards for safe and ethical pharmacy practice. You can check our GPHC number here or at the bottom of the page.
We prioritise your privacy. Your data is encrypted and used only for orders, communication, and service improvement. We never share it without your explicit consent (except as legally required). See our Privacy Policy for details.
We can only share your medication information with your GP with your explicit consent. This is because of strict patient confidentiality laws in the UK. However, we strongly recommend giving your GP consent to be notified. Here's why:

Safer for you: A complete medication record with your GP helps avoid potential interactions or complications, especially if you're taking multiple medications.

Benefits future care: Your GP can more effectively manage your overall health when they have a comprehensive picture of your medications.

We will never share your information without your consent, unless there's a legal or safety concern. In such cases, we would prioritise your well-being and act in accordance with regulations.

Ordering & Delivery



The reference 'PADVANCE' will appear on your bank statement
We currently accept PayPal however we are expanding this in the near future. In person, we accept all card payment methods. We do not accept cash.



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