£99.99 Per Dose | 2 Doses Needed
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, primarily found in pigs and birds. It spreads to humans through mosquito bites but cannot be passed from person to person. Although most people have mild or no symptoms, the virus can lead to severe illness and long-term complications.
The symptoms JE can vary, with most infections being mild or asymptomatic.
However, in severe cases, the following symptoms may develop:
- High fever & severe headache
- Neck stiffness
- Disorientation
- Confusion & seizures
- Tremors
- Muscle weakness or paralysis
- Difficulty speaking
- Unconsciousness or coma
The onset of severe symptoms typically occurs 5 to 15 days after the initial infection. JE is a serious illness, and about 20-30% of people with severe cases may die, while 30-50% of survivors may suffer from permanent neurological damage.
Adult and children from the age of 3 years
Course: Two doses at day 0 and day 28
Rapid Schedule: Patients aged 18-65 years can be vaccinated in a rapid schedule doses at day 0 and day 7.
Boosters: The vaccine protects you for at least 12 months, you need a booster 12-24 months later to remain protected for a further 10 years.
Its necessity depends on factors like:
- Location and Travel: If you live in or are traveling to areas where Japanese encephalitis is prevalent, the vaccine is highly recommended.
- Risk Factors: If you are in a high-risk group (e.g., staying for an extended period in rural areas of countries where the disease is common), the vaccine may be necessary.